Golf Landscape

7 Things Your Competitors Can Teach You About Golf Carts

There are lots of things that are really necessary in order to have the very best way to achieving anything. This is true for all areas whether it is sport or business. When it comes to playing any sport such as golf there are also many rules, etiquettes etc that can be learned from competitors regarding golf, especially golf carts that are an important part of the sport too.

This is why knowing these things are very important to stay ahead and best of all others. There are many ways for this that you can learn overall from competitors but the best and the top 7 ones for golf carts are given below:

1. Usage for Play

Golf carts are of course the way to ease up your play more. This means that while they are there for your ease they should not slow down your play but actually speed it up. This makes for the best games ever played too. They turn out to be more enjoyable and engaging as well.

2. Procession

This part is the most important that helps to drive out the play in a better way. Once a tee shot has been made, you should go to the ball and drop off the player to proceed towards the other ball. The dropped off player can then also take any extra clubs if they need it too. You should proceed and not wait for the other person to go the next ball.

3. Knowing Your Cart

This rule is also very important to know because the best golfers always know the true specifications of the golf carts that they own. In this way, they can be more aware of its management and know how to deal and handle it during play to have a great game too.

4. Placing and Care of Cart

What the best thing about golf carts is that competitors take really as in the extremely good care of their golf carts. They make sure that it is well maintained. It never has a lot of loads and a lot of unnecessary people or things loaded onto it at any time.

5. Steering Clear

Great competitors keep carts away from tee boxes, green ‘away’ signs, water hazardous areas, or grassy bunkers too.

6. Other Players’ Care

Professional player care for other players too. They never drive forward or back up at a player while they are addressing a ball.

7. The Back Take

This rule is just as a courtesy that you offer to the group that is behind you. You should drive the cart around the back of this green before you enter the scores. This way play will speed up and the other coming group will also not have to wait while you clear the area for them

The 7 rules stated above make sure that you make the best of your golf cart and also enjoy playing your sport alongside too. They also make sure that you make a great name for managing your golf cart too. Hence, make sure that you also adopt these learned techniques from your competitors to be the best inspiration too.

Steve Wilmer

Steve started with Stenten’s in October of 2011 and currently maintains Stenten’s digital footprint.  This includes contributing to our Blog and posting to our various social media outlets including Facebook, Twitter, & Pinterest.  Along with increasing Stenten’s digital market Steve also has knowledge on many performance parts for golf carts including controllers, motors, and tire & wheel combinations.

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