Fun Facts About Golf Carts

Fun Facts about Golf Carts

Golf carts are a popular form of transportation for many golfers and are used on golf courses as well as in residential areas. While most people know that golf carts are great for getting around, there are many fun facts about them that you may not know.

Here are some of the most interesting things about golf carts that you may not have heard before.

1. The first golf carts were powered by an internal combustion engine and were created in the 1930s. The first golf carts were much larger than modern-day models and used gasoline as a fuel source.

2. Golf carts are now powered by either electric or gas motors, but the original design was for an internal combustion engine.

3. The average speed of a golf cart is around 15 mph, though some can go up to 25 mph.

4. Golf carts have become more popular in the United States in recent years, and the number of carts used on golf courses has increased significantly.

5. The most expensive golf cart ever sold was a custom-made model that sold for $100,000.

6. Golf carts can be modified to look like classic cars, trucks, and even spaceships.

7. Golf carts are often used by people who are unable to walk long distances, such as the elderly or those with disabilities.

8. In some parts of the world, golf carts are used as public transportation.

9. Golf carts are also used in some amusement parks and zoos to help visitors get around.

10. Golf carts can be equipped with a variety of accessories, including lights, sound systems, and even cargo beds.

Golf carts are a fun and convenient way to get around, and there are many interesting facts about them that you may not have known. From their origin to their various uses, golf carts have come a long way in the past few decades. Whether you’re a golfer or just someone who appreciates a good ride, it’s worth learning more about these unique vehicles.

Steve Wilmer

Steve started with Stenten’s in October of 2011 and currently maintains Stenten’s digital footprint.  This includes contributing to our Blog and posting to our various social media outlets including Facebook, Twitter, & Pinterest.  Along with increasing Stenten’s digital market Steve also has knowledge on many performance parts for golf carts including controllers, motors, and tire & wheel combinations.