Guest Blog Writers Welcome

Guest Blog Writer Welcome

Do you have some great info that you would like to get out there?  Looking for something a little more grounded than just posting on social media?  Have you ever considered being a Guest Blog Writer?  If you would like to share your content to attract traffic back to your own website we welcome you to contact us today.  There are many benefits to being a guest blogger. 

Benefits of being a Guest Blog Writer

  • Build brand credibility and awareness
  • Build relationships with peers in the golf cart industry
  • Referral traffic increases web ranking

We are looking for a few participants that are looking to offer genuine, helpful, and relevant content that will help educate or entertain golf cart dealers and owners alike.  If this sounds like something you would be interested in, submit your submission now: here. Everyone has something to learn and many of us have had to learn many things the hard way.

We would like submissions to be no less then 350 words with a max word length of 1500 words. If you would like to see examples please feel free to see some of our past posts such as:

Golf Cart E-Commerce Holiday Survival Guide

Processing Credit Cards on the GO

Six Passenger Limo Kit Project Build

These are just a few examples.

Steve Wilmer

Steve started with Stenten’s in October of 2011 and currently maintains Stenten’s digital footprint.  This includes contributing to our Blog and posting to our various social media outlets including Facebook, Twitter, & Pinterest.  Along with increasing Stenten’s digital market Steve also has knowledge on many performance parts for golf carts including controllers, motors, and tire & wheel combinations.