We are fortunate to have the ability to print our own newsletter. Most of our Golf Cart Part and Accessories Dealers are not part of our Email list. We have had a few tell us that they like having something they can have on their counter for their customers read while they are waiting for […]
Shipping Wars Found in (Par for the Course Jan/Feb 2017 Issue)
We’ll make sure you win! In business, everyone looks at the bottom dollar. How much is this part or accessory going to cost me? Not only price, but you have shipping fees, installation fees, storage fees, etc… Well, we wanted to let you know your options for shipping and some ways that you may be […]
Golf Cart Battery Maintenance
The batteries in your beloved golf cart are the nerve centers on which all your play activities important work depend on. Just imagine, it is your golf cart which would enable you to make it to the go-to 18 golf course, across a long distance to play or work, and to your friend’s football party. […]
Small Business and their communities.
During the past 2 generations we have had a shift in how we get the products we use. My Grandmother would plan a “Trip to Town.” Have my Father measured for a suit, visit the Dentist, shop for produce and stop by the Hudson dealership, all in 1 trip, downtown. We gradually […]
E-commerce Businesses Successes with Magento Ecommerce Development
There exist many different platforms that can give you a lot of added benefits and advantages for your business and its development, especially for e-commerce. When you talk about such platforms, Magento is the first name that pops up in most minds because it has proven to be the very best of all over time. […]