Whenever you are buying or selling something, it is important that you know what you actually want, what will work for you and how much you can spend. There are also many other factors which are associated specifically according to the item that you are buying. When it comes to selling, you should know your […]
What Will Golf Carts be like in 100 Years
Golf is a very popular sport in many countries. It is the choice of the elite class while the wise love to spend their time this way. It is a very peaceful sport and golf carts are one of the most affecting factors of this sport. These can have their own huge and varied department […]
To Blog, or not to Blog, that is the question
I was talking with some of my family this last month, and was asked, “Is writing a Blog worth the time you put into it?” That question made me pause, because I never thought about it. Contributing to the Stenten’s Blog is part of my job. One of the cool things about working for […]
Best Golf Courses on the West Coast
Who needs to go on vacation abroad when you have the West Coast at your disposal? There are some amazing courses dotted around the west coast and it’s about time you ticked them off your golf bucket-list. So, here are some of the best golf courses to find out West: Spyglass Hill, Pebble Beach Resort, […]
7 Golf Blogs to Follow
People who love golf and golfing definitely are those who love their golf carts and all those associated things as well. They have a great eye due to which they take inspiration from many areas to enjoy their sport and take care of their golf carts even more. Blogging today is the most effective ways […]